President Yoweri Museveni Hosts Kyabazinga, Inhebantu to Luncheon
President Yoweri Museveni Hosts Kyabazinga, Inhebantu to Luncheon

The National Chairman of the NRM H.E President Yoweri Museveni and First Lady Maama Janet Museveni, Yesterday hosted a luncheon in honor of His Royal Highness Kyabazinga of Busoga, Gabula Nadiope IV, and Inhebantu Jovia Mutesi.

The event, served as a testament to the enduring unity between Busoga Kingdom and our National Chairman.

President Museveni hailed the king for finding a wife saying;

"I congratulate HH Gabula on finding a wife. Whenever we met in the past, I used to ask him why he was visiting me alone. Therefore, I am very glad that he finally found a companion. I also thank him for showing respect to elders by introducing his wife to us. I thank God for enabling me to work with three generations of the Gabula’s, right from the 1960s till now." He gave the couple 120 cows.

His Royal Highness Kyabazinga Gabula Nadiope IV expressed his gratitude for the warm reception and reiterated the commitment of the Busoga kingdom to collaborate closely with the government for the betterment of its people.

ONC Manager SPA/PA Hajjat Hadijah Namyalo Uzeiye also graced the event.

During their wedding reception in November last year, H.E President Yoweri Museveni promised to host the couple. His message then, was delivered by the Vice President H.E Jessica Alupo who represented him at the function.

Friday's luncheon was not only a platform for dignitaries to exchange pleasantries but also an opportunity to reaffirm the unwavering support of Busoga for President Museveni as the National Chairman of the ruling party.

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