Launching Phase 5 of the National Backbone Infrastructure in Karamoja with Advancing Connectivity and Economic Transformation


Just before meeting with the leaders of Karamoja, I launched Phase 5 of the National Backbone Infrastructure (NBI) in the Karamoja Subregion. This initiative emphasizes four key sectors aimed at modernizing households and transforming the economy: commercial agriculture, industry, services, and information and communications technology (ICT). The NBI will reduce the cost of doing business and connect all administrative units, including support for the Parishes implementing the PDM. I would like to express my gratitude to the Government of China for its support of various projects in Uganda through soft loans obtained via the Exim Bank of China, including this particular project. I also want to thank the Ministry of ICT and NITA Uganda for their dedicated efforts.

Launching Phase 5 of the National Backbone Infrastructure in Karamoja with Advancing Connectivity and Economic Transformation

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