Condolences from Uganda
Condolences from Uganda

On behalf of the people of Uganda, I want to offer our deepest condolences to the friends and people of Iran on the death of their President, H.E. Ebrahim Raisi.

President Raisi was a dedicated leader who worked hard for his country and supported the fight for justice across Asia, Africa, and Latin America, as well as peace in Europe.

During his recent visit to Uganda, he showed his commitment by insisting on visiting Iran's community projects in the suburbs late at night, after our official meetings had ended. He also visited the Old Kampala Mosque, demonstrating his respect for different religious sects.

H.E. Raisi was a true patriot. It is a great loss that he passed away so soon. May he rest in peace.

Yoweri K. Museveni President of UgandaCondolences from Uganda


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