Businessman Donates Land to Help Lubigi Evictees
Businessman Donates Land to Help Lubigi Evictees

Kampala businessman Hassan Bulwadda has donated five acres of land to people displaced by the Nema demolitions in central Uganda. These demolitions have left over 1,000 people homeless. The donated land is located in Nana-Bulwadda Village, Wattuba Parish, Kinkandwa Sub-county, Mityana District.

Bulwadda set three conditions for the new settlers:

  1. No burials on the estate.
  2. The land must remain residential, with no worship centers or schools allowed.
  3. The estate should be well-organized.

Bulwadda pledged to provide free construction materials to the most vulnerable settlers. He also promised to offer another piece of land for public use.

Plans are in progress to mark the boundaries, with each beneficiary receiving a 50 by 50 feet plot and a written agreement ensuring full ownership.

Nansana Resident Division Commissioner Shaffic Ali Nsubuga and Nansana West II A chairperson Dickson Mayiga expressed relief and gratitude for the donation. Mayiga encouraged beneficiaries to use the land appropriately and follow Bulwadda's guidelines.

The National Environment Management Authority (Nema) continues to evict people from wetlands to restore the environment. This has affected areas like Ganda-Nasere, Nansana West II A, and Nansana South in Wakiso District, with plans to extend the operation to other regions.



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